Why Has Critique Run Out of Steam ? From Matters of Fact to Matters of Concern

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In Critical Inquiry - Special issue on the Future of Critique. Vol 30 n° 2 pp.25-248, Winter 2004. [Republished in Harper’s Magazine April 2004 pp.15-20. Republication reprinted in Bill Brown (editor) Things, Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, pp.151-174]


The critical spirit might have turned empty as long as there is no alternative to the first empiricism -that of matter of fact: doubting of matters of fact can only mean getting away from the possibility of providing a proof. Things are different if a second empiricism is argued for, one that deals not with matters of fact but with matters of concern. Then, it might be possible to provide public proofs even though facts are no longer indisputable.


2005: Espagnol / Spanish
« Perque se ha Quedado la Critica sin energia? De los Asuntos de Hecho a las Cuestiones de Preocupacion » Convergencia Revista de Ciencias Sociales Anno 11, Num 35 Mayo-Agosto 2004, p.17-50, translated byAntonio Arellano Henandez

2007: Allemand / German
« Elend der Kritik - Vom Krieg um Fakten zu Dingen von Belang » Diaphanes, Zurich & Berlin 60 pages, 2007, German translation in a separate booklet by Heinz Jatho

2007: Danois / Danish
« Ting Hvorfor et dampen gaet af kritiken? fra kendsgerninger til anliggender », in Kuntstakademiets Arkitekskole, 2007, Danish translation in a separate booklet

2007: Suédois / Swedish
in: http://www.fronesis.nu

Italian translation in Nicola Manghi « Perché la critical ha finito il carburante » Essere du Questa Terra Guerra et Pace al tempo dei conflitti ecologici, Rosenberg& Sellier, 2019, pp. 65-96.]