La Science en action

(III) 1987
La Science en action

Date: 1987 [1995 : slightly revised pocket edition, with a new foreword by Folio-Essai, Gallimard; 2005: reedited by Poche La Découverte]
Publisher: La Découverte
Language: French


Written for a large public interested in renewing the understanding of scientific practice and its connection with the rest of society this book uses anecdotes, case studies, examples from many different periods and disciplines, to define rules of methods which can be used in following scientists around; the key role is given to non-humans, that is to associations that cut accross the former divide between nature and society. It can be used as a general introduction to science studies.

Original Title
Other Translations

Ciência em Açao. Como seguir cientistas e engenheiros sociedade afora

Ciência em Açao. Como seguir cientistas e engenheiros sociedade afora

Date: 2000
Publisher: Editora Unesp, Sao-Paulo
Translator(s): Ivone C Benedetti
Language: Portuguese

Ciencia En Accion

Ciencia En Accion

Date: 1992
Publisher: Editorial Labor SA
Translator(s): anon.
Language: Spanish

La scienza in azione – Introduzione alla sociologia della scienza

La scienza in azione – Introduzione alla sociologia della scienza

Date: 1998
Publisher: Edizioni di Comunità, Torino
Translator(s): Silvio Ferraresi
Language: Italian
ISBN: 978-8824505512

Wetenschap in Actie

Wetenschap in Actie

Date: 1988 [1995 Pocket edition]
Publisher: Bert Bakker Publishing
Translator(s): anon.
Language: Dutch
ISBN: 9035106156



Date: 1999
Publisher: Sangyo Tosho Publishing C°
Translator(s): Masaru Kawasaki, Masashi Takada
Language: Japanese
ISBN: 978-4782801215

科学在行动: 怎样在社会中跟随科学家

科学在行动: 怎样在社会中跟随科学家

Date: April 2009
Publisher: Dong Fang Chu Ban She, Oriental Press, Beijing
Translator(s): Liu Wenxuan and Zhen Ke
Language: Chinese