Gabriel Tarde and the End of the Social

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In Patrick Joyce (edited by) The Social in Question. New Bearings in History and the Social Sciences, Routledge, London, pp. 117- 132, 2002


There is a close connection between Gabriel Tarde’s social theory and what has become known as actor network theory, especially because Tarde’s two refusals : there is no difference between natural and social assemblages ; there is no difference between ‘big’ and ‘small’ assemblages in society. Through a reading of Tarde Monadologie et sociologie recently republished, the paper explores the technical innovation of Tarde and their import for actor-network theory.


2001: Allemand / German
« Gabriel Tarde und des Ende des Sozialen », in Soziale Welt, n°3 , pp. 361-376, 2001 [republication de la traduction allemande republication of the German translation in Christian Borch und Urs Staheli Soziologie der Nachahmung und des Begehrens. Materialien zu Gabriel Tarde, Suhrkamp, pp. 39-61, 2009]

2004: Scandinave / Scandinavian
« Gabriel Tarde og det sociales endeligt », translated by Chirstian Borch in Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory N°9 : pp.33-48, October 2004

200-: Espagnol / Spanish
As a foreword of the translation in Spanisg of Gabriel Tarde «The Social Laws», Editorial Gedisa, Barcelona

2008: Turc/ Turkish
«Tarde ve Toplumsalin Solun», translated by Firat Berksun, Emre Koyuncu P. Burcu Yalim , in Tesmeraksekdiz (toplumsal arastirmalar ve sanat sebekesi) spécial issue on Tarde ve mikrososyoloji, vol 2 n° 03 2008 pp. 34-49