Let’s us not overlook the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus

Let’s us not overlook the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus application/pdf icon

« Ubersehen wir den Erdwurm Pontostocles corethrurus nicht » 7 Hugel-Bilder und Zeichen des 21 Jahrdunderts, Berliner Fetspiele Dschungel, pour le catalogue de l’exposition SEVEN HILLS in Berlin (editor Jasdan Joerges), pp.17-26


The Amazonian forest is so big that it is difficult to generalize any statement made about it. Hence, the necessity to be constantly prepared for surprising encounters and counterintuitive lessons. Take for instance the diminutive earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus. Once the forest has been cut off, it may be responsible for 90% of the biomass produced by invertebrates under pastures.Those little earth-worms, as we know since Darwin who dedicated a whole volume to them, are incredible engineers and move more earth than human machinery could do. It is estimated that they are able to eat about 1.000 tons of soil per hectare every year ! The reason why this particular bio-engineer is so interesting, is because of what it does with the nice lush pasture the cattle ranchers hope to obtain in place of the impenetrable forest.


(2001): Nepřehlédněme žížalu Pontoscoles corethrurus. Vesmír, 80 (7): 383-85 - přeložili Zdeněk Konopásek a David Storch