

A Booming Discipline Short of Discipline - The Social Studies of Science in France

In Social Studies of Science Vol. 17 pp.715-748 (with Geoffrey Bowker)

Presentation of the French traditions in philosophy and history of science in contrast with the English speaking ones; explanation of the misunderstandings between the two traditions and descriptions of the most active groups and centres.
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Remarks on an anthropological Approach of Theories in Ethology

In R. Campan & R. Zayan (editors) Relevance of Models and Theories in Ethology, Pro-ceedings of the 1985 International Ethological Meeting, Privat, Toulouse, pp.137-143, 1986

Short experiment to see if an anthropology of science argument could be used to help primatologists out of their epistemological quandaries.
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Writing Science - Fact and Fiction

In M. Callon, J. Law and A. Rip (editors) Mapping the Dynamics of Science and Technology, Macmillan, Londres, pp.51-66, 1986 (avec Françoise Bastide) [Reedited as book (VI), except in the German translation]

Litterary presentation of the various effects that semiotics of scientific texts have come to recognize; explores the distinction between fiction writing and fact writing.
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Visualisation and Cognition: Thinking with Eyes and Hands

In H. Kuklick (editor) Knowledge and Society Studies in the Sociology of Culture Past and Present , Jai Press vol. 6, pp. 1-40, 1986. Reprinting and revision in Michael Lynch and Steve Woolgar (editors) Representation in Scientific Activity, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass, pp.19-68, 1990. Partial republication in The Map Reader, Theories of Mapping Practice and Cartographic Representation edited by Martin Dodge, Rob Kitchin and Chris Perkins, Wiley Blackwell, 65-73, 2011. Republication in Science and Technology Studies: Critical Concepts, edited by Professor Michael Lynch, Routledge, 2011.

It would be nice to be able to define what is specific to our modem scientific culture. It would be still nicer to find the most economical explanation (which might not be the most economic one) of its origins and special characteristics. To arrive at a parsimonious explanation it is best not to appeal to universal traits of nature. Hypotheses about changes in the mind or human consciousness, in the structure of the brain, in social relations, in “mentalités”, or in the economic infrastructure which are posited to explain the emergence of science or its present achievements are simply too grandiose, not to say hagiographic in most cases and plainly racist in more than a few others. Occam’s razor should cut these explanations short. No “new man” suddenly emerged sometime in the sixteenth century, and there are no mutants with larger brains working inside modern laboratories who can think differently from the rest of us. The idea that a more rational mind or a more constraining scientific method emerged from darkness and chaos is too complicated a hypothesis.

1998: Espagnol / Spanish
In La Balsa de la Medusa

2006: Allemand / German
In Andréa Belliger & David J. Krieger ANThology: Ein einführendes Handbuch zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, pp.259-308

2008: Tchèque / Czech
« Poznani a Vizualizace –Anb Jak Myslet Ocima a Rukama », translated by Radim Hladik in Teorie Veddi XXX, n°2 p.33-90 

2012: Polonais/Polish
'Wizualizacja i poznanie: zrysowywanie rzeczy razem'. Translation: Aleksandra Derra & Maciej Frackowiak. AVANT, The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard, vol. III, T/2012, pp. 207-257. ISSN online: 2082-6710. ISSN print (forthcoming): 2082-7598.

2015: Portugais/Portuguese
Journal: « Cognição e visualização. Pensando com olhos e mãos » Terra brasilis 4 2015
Traducteur: David Ramirez
On line: at

2017: Russian translation
Margarita Maslyukova, Marina Rastorguyeva
LOGOS special issue, dedicated to ANT] LOGOS
Philosophical and Literary Journal Volume 27 · #2 ·pp. 95-156, 2017]

2018 German translation
« Drawing things together – Die Macht der unveranderlich mobile Elemente (1990)”
Andreas Zieman et al. (editor) Grundlagentexte der Medien kultur
Springer, pp. 265-274.

Anthropology, History of Science, Viualization 🔗
Human origins. Oh, please, tell us another origin story!

In Journal of Biological and Social Structure, Vol. 9 n° pp.169-187, 1986 (with Shirley Strum)

Compares systematically accounts of the origins of humanity in classic texts (Hobbes, Rouseau) and in modern scientific ones (sociobiology) and offers a way of classifying the discrepancies between accounts.
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Semiotics & Literature Studies, Social Theory, Technology 🔗
The power of associations

In John Law (editor) Power, Action and Belief. A New Sociology of Knowledge?, Sociological Review Monograph, Keele, pp. 261-277, 1986

Social theory article that contrasts a pre-relativistic model of sociology -with a social structure that is given and power exerted- and a relativistic associological model.

2006: Allemand / German
In Andréa Belliger & David J. Krieger ANThology: Ein einführendes Handbuch zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, pp.195-212

Suédois / Swedish see Reader CT(ii)

Actor-Network-Theory, Social Theory, Technology 🔗
Give me a laboratory and I will move the world

In K. Knorr et M. Mulkay (editors) Science Observed, Sage, 1983, pp.141-170 [New edition slighly abridged in Mario Biagioli (editor) Science Studies Reader, London Routledge, 1999]

Now that field studies of laboratory practices are starting to pour in, we are beginning to have a better picture of what scientists do inside the walls of these strange places called 'laboratories' (Knorr-Cetina, this volume). But a new problem has emercged. If we are not able to follow up our participant-observation studies far enough to take in questions outside the laboratory, we are at great risk of falling back into the socalled 'internalist' vision of science. From the very beginnings of these microstudies, this criticism was levelled at us by scholars preoccupied by lalger problems such as science policy, history of science, or more broadly, what is known as Science, Technology and Society (STS). For such topics, laboratory studies seemed utterly irrelevant. At the time, our critics were largely wrong because we first of all had to penetrate these black boxes, and to get firsthand observations of the daily activity of scientists. This was the foremost priority. The result, to summarize it in one sentence, was that nothing extraordinary and nothing 'scientific' was happening inside the sacred walls of these temples (Knorr, 1981). After a few years of studies, however, our critics would be right in raising again the naive but nagging question: if nothing scientific is happening in laboratories, why are there laboratories to begin with?

1995: Espagnol / Spanish
« Sociologicia de la ciencia y la tecnologia » in Consejos supriror de investigatiotens cientificas, 1995, Madrid, pp.237 259

200-: Coréen / Corean
in Science, Philosophy, and Culture

2002: Russe / Russian
« Дайте мне лабораторию, и я переверну мир » in Logos (Логос) No.5-6/2002, pp. 211-242

2004: Chinois / Chinese
« Geiwo Yige Shiyanshi Wo Jiang Juqi Quanshijie », translated by Zongde LIN and edited by Sean Hsiang-lin LEI, in Keji Kewang Shehui (Social Aspirations of Technoscience: Taiwanese Reader of STS Translation 1 ) Edited by Chia-ling WU, Daiwie FU, and Sean Hsiang-lin LEI (Taipei: Socio Publishing, 2004), pp. 219-64

2006: Allemand / German
In Andréa Belliger & David J. Krieger ANThology - Ein Einführendes Handbuch zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2006 pp.103-134

2009: Polonais / Polish
« Dajcie mi laboratorium a poruszę świat» translated by Krzysztof Abriszewski and Lukasz Afeltowicz, in Teksty Drugie , no.1/2 (115), 2009, p. 163-192

Sociology of Science 🔗
How to measure the degree of independance of a research system?

In Scientometrics, vol.4, n°2, 119-133, (avec Maya Sigogneau et Jean-Pierre Courtial)

This article puts to use the Pascal CNRS data bank and a simple model of economic development (centre-periphery) to define the autonomy of a research system, that is its ability to produce its own knowledge.
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Is it Possible to Reconstruct the Research Process?: Sociology of a Brain Peptide

In K. Knorr, R. Krohn and R. Whitley (eds.) The Social Process of Scientific Investigation, Sociology of the Sciecnes, a Yearbook, Reidel, Dordrecht, pp.53-77

By following step by step the research program of a chemist manufacturing analogs of a brain peptide the articles explores an alternative vocabulary that would describe the research process without using the traditionnal epistemological terms.
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Unscrewing the Big Leviathan; or How Actors Macrostructure Reality, and How Sociologists Help Them To Do So?

In K. Knorr et A. Cicourel (editors) Advances in Social Theory and Methodology, Routledge and Kegan Paul, Londres, pp. 277-303 (with Michel Callon)

This social theory article explores the problem of micro and macro society without accepting an a priori scale to measure the levels; it demonstrates that by letting the actors build their own scale, the growth of science and technology becomes explainable.

1990: Français / French
« Le Grand Léviathan s’apprivoise-t-il? » , abridged version in Alain Gras et Sophie Poirot-Delpech (sous la direction de) L’Imaginaire des techniques de pointe, L’Harmattan, Paris, pp. 71-96. [complete French version in Sociologie de la traduction. Textes fondateurs, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, 2006 (avec Madeleine Akrich et Michel Callon), pp.11-32]

Traduction suédoise voir / Swedish translation in reader see CT(ii)

2006: Allemand / German
In Andréa Belliger & David J. Krieger ANThology - Ein Einführendes Handbuch zur Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag, 2006 pp.75-102

Actor-Network-Theory, Social Theory, Technology 🔗