Do Scientific Objects Have a History? Pasteur and Whitehead in a Bath of Lactic Acid

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In Common Knowledge, Vol.5, n°1, pp.76-91 [Revised English Translation of Article (56)]


The philosophical problem of an history of objects, and not only of the history of the « discovery” of an object is tackled in this theoretical article that uses an empirical example -an article by Pasteur- and Whithead’s philosophy. It explores on which conditions, according to Whithead, it would be possible to overcome the limits of « social” explanations of realism without falling back on the realism of the past.


Repris très transformé en livre / Heavily reedited in book form
in (VII), see « Books” for translations

Traduction en allemand dans la version allemande de (VI) / German translation in German version of (VI)

Traduction Portugais / Portuguese
« Os objetos têm historia? encontro de pasteur com whitehead num banho de acido lactico » in Histioria, Ciencias, Saude - Manguinhos Vol. II, n° 1 mar-june 1995, pp.7-26