Postmodern? No Simply Amodern. Steps Towards an Anthropology of Science. An essay Review

Postmodern? No Simply Amodern. Steps Towards an Anthropology of Science. An essay Review application/pdf icon

In Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science Vol.21 pp.145-171, 1990 (text without the diagrams)


Essay review on the books of Shapin and Schaffer Leviathan and the Air Pump, Serres Statues, and Traweek's account of the Standford accelerator; these three books are used to show the limits and interest of an antropology of science that goes beyond the definition of our world as modern.


1990: Français / French
« Sommes-nous postmodernes? Non, amodernes. Etapes vers l’anthropologie des sciences » , in La Pensée métisse. Croyances africaines et rationalité occidentale en questions Cahiers de l’IUED, N°19, Genève, pp.127-155

1990: Dutch translation
« Postmodern? Nee, gewoon a-modern! Op weg naar een wetenschapsantropologie », trad. Niels Helsloot, Pieter Pekelharing & Baukje Prins, in Krisis, , 40, No.3, pp. 40-73.