The Meanings of Social: From Baboons to Humans

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In Information sur les Sciences Sociales/Social Science Information Vol. 26 pp.783-802, 1987 (with Shirley Strum) [Reprinting in Glendon Schubert and Roger D. Masters (editors) Primate Politics, Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale chapter IV pp.73-86, 1991(with Shirley Strum). Second Reprinting in Julian Thomas (editor) Interpretive Archaeology, a Reader, Leicester University Press London and New York, pp 266-280, 2000


Application of the social theory relativistic model to the evolution fo the social link from baboons to humans; reviews the history of primatology and offers a coherent framework for its many debates through the notion of a performative social link.


2006: Français / French
« Redéfinir le lien social : des babouins aux humains » In Sociologie de la traduction. Textes fondateurs, Presses de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris, (with Madeleine Akrich and Michel Callon), pp.71-86