The declaration that never was: ecology, theology and science -Venice 2010

The declaration that never was: ecology, theology and science -Venice 2010 application/pdf icon

Draft of a declaration that was never signed but which deals with the science, ecology, theology connection. See for details Pasquale Gagliardi, Anne Marie Reijnen, and Philipp Valentini. Protecting Nature, Saving Creation. Ecological Conflicts, Religious Passions and Political Quandaries. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.


The draft of this declaration that has never been signed, but which is discussed in the book by Gagliardi, Reijnen and Valentini, takes up a new light now that Pope Francis has written Laudatio Si!. It is published here to continue the conversation that is triggered by the encyclical letter.
Assembled in Venice, the most beautiful, most technology dependent, most threatened creation of human audacity and ingenuity, we wish to bear testimony that there exist other ways to handle ecological conflicts. Gathered for three days in the island of San Giorgio at the initiative of foundation Cini, our self-assembled group of ecologists, theologians, anthropologists and social scientists, offer the following testimony encouraging other participants around the world to dismiss, discuss or amend their propositions.