"Touch Base !" An Introduction to the catalog of Reset Modernity!

"Touch Base !" An Introduction to the catalog of Reset Modernity! application/pdf icon

Reset Modernity!, MIT Press catalogue of the exhibition at ZKM 15th April-20th August 2016 (with Christophe Leclercq)


Introduction to the catalogue
When you think about it, it’s clear that the moderns have inherited a tradition that started badly. What we used to celebrate at school as one of the greatest achievements of Western philosophy is the strange story of cavemen who are kicked out of their cave and end up blinded by the sun because they were stupidly instructed to look at it directly without anything to protect their eyes! What a great parable this is, one that portrays mortals blindly stumbling in the open air instead of staying prisoners in a dark cave below. We have to recognize that such an excursion out of the cave is not terribly good training for those who wish to be earthly-minded.


Language: Croatian
Translator:Iva Gjurkin
Reference: Misli na izložbi niz eksperimenata u ZKM-u iz Karlsruhea,
Date and page: 2017, pp. 151-250