Politicas da natureza. Como fazer ciência na democracia

Langue: portugais
Titre: Politicas da natureza. Como fazer ciência na democracia
Traducteur: Carlos Aurélio Mota de Souza
Editeur: EDUSC, Sao Paulo
Date: 2004
political philosophy enquiry into the limits of political ecology. If nature is not a part of reality but a Constitutional arrangment to make political life impossible, what would a politics be without nature ? If this question is raised then it becomes obvious that the various green movements are not modifying the modernist project but giving it, on the contrary, a new lease on life. To get out of this limitation, new institutions have to be devised —by following what ecological crisis are showing already in practice— that allows for scientific facts to be elaborated through due process. This book follows closely on Pandora’s Hope and We Have Never Been Modern.