Iconoclasm is when there is a clear intent for the destruction or the demise of an image. Iconoclash is when there is an uncertainty about what is committed when an image –from science, religion or...
Paris se donne si facilement au regard des peintres et des touristes, on l’a si souvent photographiée, on a publié sur la Ville Lumière tellement de beaux livres, qu’on oublie les difficultés des...
A photographic enquiry into social theory about the city of Paris with special attention to its technical «oligoptica », a concept necessary to replace that of « panoptica »....
Netz’s book is, without question, the most important work in science studies since Shapin & Schaffer Leviathan and the Air Pump. By resorting to a very original semiotic and constructivist...
It has become of great interest to inquire into the history of what Whitehead called « bifurcation of nature ». This history is possible provided we connect art history with science history to dig...
Like other articles (43), (79), this article pursues the comparison between the religious and the scientific regimes of enunciations ; it tries in particular to explore the conditions of felicity of...
Starting from the work done in the last fifteen years on the scientific vizualization, the paper connects both with art history -comparing the treatment of mediation in both fields, and from there to...
A gauche une grande savane, à droite la lisière abrupte d’une épaisse forêt. On dirait que des paysans ont créé ce partage entre deux mondes, l’un sec et vide, l’autre humide et plein, par la hache...
Outline of the religious regime of enunciation through the study of four religious paintings; the comparison between the scientific representation and the religious re-presentation is illustrated...
It would be nice to be able to define what is specific to our modem scientific culture. It would be still nicer to find the most economical explanation (which might not be the most economic one) of...