How to be Iconophilic in Art, Science and Religion

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In Carrie Jones and Peter Galison, (editors) Picturing Science Producing Art, Routledge, London, pp. 418-440, 1998.


Starting from the work done in the last fifteen years on the scientific vizualization, the paper connects both with art history -comparing the treatment of mediation in both fields, and from there to theology. The paper argues that it is possible to reopen the science/religion debate if religion is stripped of its belief in belief which has no other ground than a mistaken view of scientific information production. The case study is then deployed of the iconography of the Assomption. The transformation of information is then compared, in a systematic way with that of person transportation. Love talk, the only remnant of theology without belief in subtance, is then reformatted.


German translation in Jens Schröter (editor) special issue of Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstgeschichte, ANT as challenge for art history.