What is Iconoclash ? or Is there a world beyond the image wars ?

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In Iconoclash, Beyond the Image-Wars in Science, Religion and Art (edited by Peter Weibel and Bruno Latour), ZKM and MIT Press, pp. 14-37, 2002


Iconoclasm is when there is a clear intent for the destruction or the demise of an image. Iconoclash is when there is an uncertainty about what is committed when an image –from science, religion or art- is being smashed. The paper presents the rationale and the scene of an exhibit taking place in Germany and which aims at turning iconoclasm –and more generally the critical gesture- into a topic rather than a ressource. It contrasts the different pattern of confidence and diffidence into image in the three contrasted realm of science, religion and art. It offers a classification of the iconoclastic gestures and introduces to the catalog entries.


2002: Allemand / German
«Iconoclash Gibt es eine Welt jenseits des Blikderkrieges ?», published as a separate pamphlet, Merve Verlag, Berlin, 76 pages.
2012: republication in Josef Fruchtl and Maria Moog-Grunewald (editors) in Zeitschrift fur Aesthetik und Allgemeine Kuntzwissenschaft Vol ; 57, n°1, pp. 19-44.

2003: Slovaque / Slovak
« Co je Iconolash », translated by Michaela Fischerovà , in Profil 34-46 3-03 4 03 26-45 in PROFIL Bratislava

2008: Portugais / Portuguese
« O que E Iconoclash ? ou, Ha Um Mundo Alem Das Guerras de Imagem ? » in Horizontes Antropologicos Antropologia e Arte, 14, numéro 29, Janeiro/Junho 2008

2009: Italien / Italian
« Che Cos’e Iconoclash » in Teorie dell'immagine edited by Prof. Andrea Pinotti and Prof. Antonio Somaini, Raffaele Cortina Editore, Milano, pp. 287-330

2009: Français / French
Repris en livre sous forme de traduction française par Aude Tincelin in (XIII) : Sur le culte des dieux faitiches suivi d’iconoclash, La Découverte, collection les Empêcheurs

2017: Language: Croatian
Translator:Iva Gjurkin
Reference: Misli na izložbi niz eksperimenata u ZKM-u iz Karlsruhea, pp.7-78