

Qu’est-ce qu’un style non-moderne ?

in Catherine Grenier (sous la direction de) La parenthèse du moderne. Actes du colloque, 21-22 mai 2004, Editions du Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2005 pp.31-46.

Is it possible to define a style that is different from modernism as it is understood by art historians? A lecture in Beaubourg around the anthropology of modernism.
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Histoire de l'art 🔗
Critical Distance or Critical Proximity ? A dialogue in Honor of Donna Haraway

Unpublished paper.

Prepared in honor of Donna Haraway, this dialog explores why the notion of critique implies an increase in proximity and not in distance.
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Compositionism 🔗
An Imaginary Dialog on Modernity 2.2

in Angelica Poferl and Natan Sznaiser (sous la direction de) Ulrich Becks kosmopolitisches Prokekt Aud dem Weg in eine andere Soziologie (Festschrift in Honor of Ulrich Beck 60th birthday) Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden Baden, pp. 17-23 (2004).

A dialog in honor of Ulrick Beck to explore various sense of reflexive modernizaion, written for his Fetschrift.
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Social Theory 🔗
From ‘matters of facts’ to ‘states of affairs’. Which protocol for the new collective experiments?

"Von 'Tatsachen' zu 'Sachverhalten': Wie sollen die neuen kollektiven Experimente protokolliert werden?", transl. by Gustav Roßler, in: Henning Schmidgen, Peter Geimer and Sven Dierig (eds.), Kultur im Experiment, Berlin: Kadmos Verlag, 2004, pp.17-36.

We are all familiar with the notion of rules of methods which have been devised for scientific experiments. What I have chosen to explore is a rather new question who has only recently come to the foreground of public consciousness : namely, collective experiments. What are those collective or what could be called ‘socio-technical’ experiments ? Are they run in a totally wild manner with no rules at all ?

Traduction italienne Italian translation « Dalle "cose" ai "casi". Quale protocollo per i nuovi esperimenti collettivi? » (a cura di Marisa Bertoldini ) La cultura politecnica Bruno Mondadori Milano 2004, pp.143-160.

Spanish Translation « De las «cuestiones de hecho» a los «estados de las cuestiones». ¿Qué protocolos tenemos para los nuevos experimentos colectivos? » in Emilio Luque Pulgar Cristóbal Gómez Benitopp (editors) Textos de Medio Ambiente y Sociedad pp.117-137. 200-.

Swedish translation « Fran sakligheter till angelägenheter vilka principer ska galla for de nya kollektiva experimenten » in Fronesis n°21 2006, pp 58-79.

English publication « From Multiculturalism to Multinaturalism : What Rules of Method for the New Socio-Scientifici Experiments » in Nature and Culture Vol. 6, n°1, pp. 1-17, Spring 2011.

Ecology & Political Ecology 🔗
The Science Wars- A Dialog

« The Science Wars- A Dialog » English translation by Ashraf Noor in Common Knowledge vol.8 n°1, pp.701-79 Winter 2002

Guerre des sciences –un dialogue
She -- So you're a sociologist and you do research on scientists? Well, then you can explain something to me. People in my lab are forever talking about the "Science Wars.” What's all the fuss about? He -- If only I knew! I'd know what front to fight on, what equipment to carry, and what camouflage to wear. As things are, people are firing in all directions. It isn't easy to know what's going on. She -- I've heard that the main thing is to avoid relativism. But I'm a physicist, and that presents a real difficulty. Without relativity there’d be no possibility of making measurements and we’d each be prisoners, to all eternity, in some single point of view. In my discipline, we need the relativity of frames of reference in order even to begin work. I have a special need for relativity because I work on events close to the Big Bang. You don’t need relativity, too?
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Philosophy, Sociology of Science 🔗
Let’s us not overlook the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus

« Ubersehen wir den Erdwurm Pontostocles corethrurus nicht » 7 Hugel-Bilder und Zeichen des 21 Jahrdunderts, Berliner Fetspiele Dschungel, pour le catalogue de l’exposition SEVEN HILLS in Berlin (editor Jasdan Joerges), pp.17-26

The Amazonian forest is so big that it is difficult to generalize any statement made about it. Hence, the necessity to be constantly prepared for surprising encounters and counterintuitive lessons. Take for instance the diminutive earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus. Once the forest has been cut off, it may be responsible for 90% of the biomass produced by invertebrates under pastures.Those little earth-worms, as we know since Darwin who dedicated a whole volume to them, are incredible engineers and move more earth than human machinery could do. It is estimated that they are able to eat about 1.000 tons of soil per hectare every year ! The reason why this particular bio-engineer is so interesting, is because of what it does with the nice lush pasture the cattle ranchers hope to obtain in place of the impenetrable forest.

(2001): Nepřehlédněme žížalu Pontoscoles corethrurus. Vesmír, 80 (7): 383-85 - přeložili Zdeněk Konopásek a David Storch

Compositionism, Ecology & Political Ecology 🔗
On recalling ANT

in John Law & John Hassard (editors) Actor Network and After, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, pp. 15-25.

Thank you for asking someone who never used the word actor-network to speak at the introduction of this meeting. I guess that the division of labor between John Law and I is that since, according to the title of the conference, he has talked about “ANT” , thus my topic must be: “and after”. Hopefully there is a life after ANT. Like Antony I can say “I am not here to praise ANT but to bury it”. Let us do the burial properly so that from the ashes something else can ressuscitate. I will start by saying that here are four things that do not work with actor-network theory; the word actor, the word network, the word theory and the hyphen! Four nails in the coffin.

Language: German translation
In:Andréa Belliger & David J. Krieger ANThology - Eine Einführendes Hanbuch zue Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, Bielefeld, Transcript Verlag
Date: 2006
Page: 561-572

Language: Korean
Translator: by Sungook Hong
Pubisher: in a volume on ANT, Séoul, 2010

Actor-Network-Theory 🔗
Ein Ding ist Ein Thing. A Philosophical Platform for a Left European Party

Concepts and Transformation, Benjamin, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, Vol. 3, No. 1/2, pp.97-112 (1998).

Commissionned by the German SPD party in order to seek what sort of new definition of the Left would emerge if a science studies perspective was taken on a politics freed from the burden of Science conceived in the traditionnal way.

[Traduction en norvégien Norwegian translation in ARR Idéhistorisk Tidsskrift n°4-1 1998-1999, pp.65-73
[Traduction en allemand German translation « kollectives Experiment » in Werner Fricke (editor) Innovation in Technik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung , Bonn 1998 p 147-182]
[Traduction en Danois Danish translation , Eind ding ist ein thing in Arbeider historie 1998 n° 4 pp. 61 72]
[Traduction en Hollandais Dutch translation in Krisijs pp. ? ?
[Republication en Anglais Republication in English in Soundings Summer issue, n°12 summer 1999 pp. 12-25.
[traduction en Coréen in Paradox of Progress: Toward Democratisation of Science & Technology"Corean translation, 2000
[traduction en bulgare Bulgarian translation No.9/2000 of Bulgarian review "Socialdemokracia' (Social Democracy)]

Politics 🔗
For Bloor and Beyond -a Reply to David Bloor’s Anti-Latour.

Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Vol. 30, n°1, pp.113-129 March issue.

A response to a systematic attack by David Bloor against the sociology of science developped at CSI; the response acknowledges the debt of this sociology to Bloor and shows why it could not keep it intact because of its impossible definition of the social world.

Traduction: Russe/Russian
Alexander Pisarev, Logos,

Actor-Network-Theory, Sociology of Science 🔗
A dialog with Richard Powers in Honor of HAL

In Common Knowledge, Vol. 7 n°1 pp.177-191 (with Richard Powers).

I’d like you to imagine a simple thought experiment. Two people who have never met each other, who do not speak the same language, who do not work in the same discipline, sit at opposite ends of an elaborate electronic hook-up, half way around the world from each other, one in a remote mid-western backwater, the other in the City of Light. At regular intervals over the course of several months, they send one another electronic messages. The one is a novelist, and thus has some vested interest in manufacturing artificial, intelligent creatures that create the illusion of being fully independent and alive.
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Digital Humanities 🔗